
About Binomo

Trading platform Binomo was established in 2014. Specifically, Binomo offers expert brokerage services, users can comfortably trade currencies, commodities and cryptocurrencies in the conform of your home.

The Challenge:
Domino’s struggled in increasing the penetration rate as well as driving more orders.

• Drive previous purchasers to purchase again
• Engage users using special offers
• Achieve retargeting eCPA of $2.30 per order

Their Goals
Retain users and boost in-app activity while keeping costs low.

With over millions active users, Binomo wanted to keep users active and making deposits in the app. At AdTiming, we had the privilege as Binomo’s re-engagement partner to help get them started with campaign set-up, and ensure they got the best CPA and ROAS from their budget.

Our Strategy

Binomo wanted to encourage new users to make their first deposit, also get lapsed purchasers to continue making deposits. We initially started out with an activate campaign. We targeted users who hadn’t yet made a purchase with custom creatives encouraging them to do so. Over time, we added a retain campaign.

With intelligent analysing, we found that the lapsed users who had once make in-app deposits were a highly valuable user segment for Binomo. We began targeting lapsed purchasers to encourage them to return to their previous habits of making deposits in the app. While we noticed that our retain campaign let to the highest boost in ROAS, both campaigns simultaneously brought a significant impact on retention and in-app conversions.

The Results



CPA cost


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